Friday 26 April 2013

Minky Monkey Moo meets Mark Kintzel Design

Beautiful, stylish, colourful, chic, addictive - these are all words I would use to describe Mark Kintzel's website ( So imagine my happiness when he kindly agreed to answer some questions for this feature!

One of Mark's, many, fabulous creations, has featured on this blog already - Garden Hose Doormat!

So we know a little about the man behind the talent, what are your influences in life?
My biggest influences in my life are my parents, my partner, Andrew, my family and friends. I grew up in a very artistic and musical family. In fact, my parents and four older brothers were in a travelling musical group. I on the other hand have no musical talents. I played the symbols in our high school band... enough said!

You obviously have an amazing eye as a florist and create beautiful pieces; is floristry your day job or a hobby that you have developed?
I am a self-taught florist and it is not what I do for a living. However, from a very young age, I appreciated the beauty of flowers and loved to garden.
In later life, I worked at a major department store as a visual designer. My boss was German and if he didn't like your creations, he would disassemble them. Although it was humiliating, I gained a tremendous amount of knowledge about proper structure and design in all areas of presentation including floral design.
I started an event planning and wedding business a few years back as a hobby, so to speak, and the business is growing. This year alone, I have five weddings I'm planning and styling.

Are there any blogs that you follow?

None in particular but I do scour the internet and magazines for inspiration. I adore, White House Florist - Laura Dowling; she's brilliant!

You mentioned in your 'Obsession' blog (dated, November 3, 2011) that you are 'obsessed with crafting machines'. Which are your favourite machines and which ones do you use the most?

My favourite is the Cricut machine.

What made you start your blog and what were your initial ideas for the content, as it appears to include a mix of crafts and flowers?

My partner, Andrew and friends encouraged me to start a blog. Honestly, I wasn't sure what my content would include. It has evolved and grown into the site it is today and I hope to keep growing as a blogger, florist and crafter. It's my passion.

How has your blog evolved over the past year and a half?

Wow - a year and a half. It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long but I love it. I kind of answered this question previously but it's important for me to grow as an artist and just follow my creative heart. Hopefully, my blog will continue to translate that passion.

You have an interesting mix of fabulous ideas to brighten up any home, what inspires your creations?

I gather my inspiration from all kinds of sources, for example; magazines, the internet but honestly, nature provides the most inspiration for my creations.

Personally, I love flowers but have no idea how to arrange them to create beautiful centrepieces etc; you on the other hand have a natural talent. What made you decide to offer 'lessons' to others?

Teaching just kind of evolved and wasn't really a decision. Friends, family and the community asked and I was honoured to show them the ropes.

You obviously collect quirky and interesting pieces from antique markets and elsewhere, are there certain objects you are always compelled to buy or do you buy on impulse and do you always buy to reuse in your creations.

I'm drawn to anything green, globes and maps.

Some of the features that I love from your blog are: 'Sun Print Decoupage Wooden Serving Tray' (dated, 23 July, 2012), 'Plastic Shopping Bag Flowers' (19 March, 2012), 'Repurposed Vase Terrariums' (25 March, 2012), 'Daffodil Gift Basket' (9 January, 2012) and 'Basket Bird Houses' (18 October, 2011); which, of the many, are your favourite creations?

I can't say that I'm always proud to stand behind my creations but they are a product of a vision or idea that flew threw my head. Of the few projects you've mentioned, I think my favourite is Basket Bird Houses. This project was my first published story in 'Organic Gardening Magazine' in 2004.
Also the Garden Hose Door Mat is another favourite. That project was so much fun to assemble and is receiving so much attention on the web!

Do you have a vision in mind or do your designs develop after you start?

I generally have a vision, then jot it down so I don't forget (I keep a notebook with notes and sketches for future reference). Sometimes projects evolve and turn into something completely different than my original vision but that's okay.

Your photography is beautiful and really captures the piece. Are the pictures self-shot and if so, are there any tips that you would share for newbie bloggers like myself?

99% of my blog photos are shot by me using an Olympus PEN E-PL1 digital camera with a macro lens. I'm self-taught but the best advice I can give is to shoot your projects next to a window or outside - natural daylight is the best. Look at other photos that inspire you. You can learn tonnes just by studying someone else's techniques. Oh, and don't be afraid to ask questions. My local photography store has been a tremendous help as well.

Is there any other advice that you could offer to newbie bloggers, like myself?

Believe in your self and share your gifts with the world. I've found that bloggers are very supportive of each other. It's a great community.

You have been up-and-running for a while now, how have you managed to grow traffic to your site?

Pinterest, Pinterest, Pinterest! Also, is another great source to promote a craft blog.

What are your visions for your blog's future?

One day I would love to publish a book on either eco-crafts or seasonal organic floral designs. Until then, I'll continue to put my creations out there for others to enjoy. Oh, and a TV show would be fun too... one can only dream but artists are good at that, aren't we?

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